RAID 5 vs SHR Test - Performance Comparison

2022年11月16日—ARaid10with4*2diskswillprobablyhave~fourtimesbetterperformancethanaRaid5/SHR.ThisisjustbecauseinRaid5thosedisksare ...,2023年10月14日—ThemainadvantageofSHRistheflexibilityitoffers.Butthisflexibilitycomeswithasmallperformancecost.Eg...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Raid 10 vs SHR(raid5) on Synology NAS for VM Disks

2022年11月16日 — A Raid10 with 4*2 disks will probably have ~ four times better performance than a Raid5/SHR. This is just because in Raid5 those disks are ...

RAID 5 vs. SHR

2023年10月14日 — The main advantage of SHR is the flexibility it offers. But this flexibility comes with a small performance cost. Eg if you put 4 identical ...

What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

SHR allows users to create a flexible storage solution with optimized capacity and performance. SHR is based on a Linux RAID management system and designed ...

What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — SHR allows users to create a flexible storage solution with optimized capacity and performance. SHR is based on a Linux RAID management ...

SHR versus Raid performance

2021年5月24日 — Because your drives are identical, SHR is constructed as a plain RAID5. So there is no performance difference to speak of (technically, there is ...

什麼是Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) 是Synology 專門的自動化磁碟陣列(RAID) 管理系統,能同時最佳化容量及效能,讓使用者建立較具彈性的儲存方案。 SHR 是一套 ...


Compare the performance of all Synology NAS models and find the product that best suits your needs.

Benchmarking the DS1817 10gb to compare SHR

2021年9月25日 — Here are the performance figures of the Synology DS1817 running with 4GB RAM, 4 x 8TB discs and 2xSSD cache and SHR-1: iperf3 -c

What is Synology Hybrid RAID? What is the difference ...

2024年3月18日 — In summary, while traditional RAID offers well-established methods for configuring data redundancy and performance, SHR provides a more flexible ...


2022年11月16日—ARaid10with4*2diskswillprobablyhave~fourtimesbetterperformancethanaRaid5/SHR.ThisisjustbecauseinRaid5thosedisksare ...,2023年10月14日—ThemainadvantageofSHRistheflexibilityitoffers.Butthisflexibilitycomeswithasmallperformancecost.Egifyouput4identical ...,SHRallowsuserstocreateaflexiblestoragesolutionwithoptimizedcapacityandperformance.SHRisbasedonaLinuxRAIDmanagementsystemanddesi...